LABS: Future Interiors Meetup #3

Part of the public programme at the DDW – Embassy of Health
The last meetup in the series took place online and was organised as part of the public programme of the Embassy of Health at the Dutch Design Week, contributing to the theme of the Urban Transformations and the creation of healthy environments.
During this talk, Samira Boon and Raoul Frese presented the pilot interior product “KOMBUquet” (see also: 3. Presentation DDW). By engaging in a discussion with architects and industry professionals, we started to formulate future scenarios for uptake of the material in real projects.
Jeroen Junte (editor-in-chief at DesignDigger) moderated the discussion between:
- Raoul Freze (Hybrid Forms Lab VU Amsterdam)
- Samira Boon (Studio Samira Boon)
- Ren Yee (UNsense) – an arch tech company that combines design thinking and data technology
- Edwin Gardner (Studio Monnik) – a ‘creative studio for futures and fiction’. The studio looks into the cultural, socio-economic and technological powers that shape our world and our representation of it, and extrapolates these to various futures